
Marketing Services

Our Services

We Offer Full Marketing Services

We offer many packages of Marketing Activities you can take advantage of, from building a marketing strategy to post production and delivery

Package Plan 1

White Paper and Supporting Materials


writing, design, layout

White Paper – In-depth information that is thoroughly researched on a given topic (or up to 3 aligned topics) with information about the client’s solution at the end. This is to emphasize the client’s expertise and knowledge on the topic, as well as the need for the solution.

Blog Post Creation

writing, design, layout

Blog (s) – The number of blogs depends on how many topic points are covered in the White Paper. Each blog will be a higher overview of the topic and the problems that the client’s solution solves. This is a more conversational tone and emphasizes problem/resolution more than providing information.


writing, design, layout

Top 10/Infographic/Video – Can be a top 10 list in a blog style or as an infographic. Taking the Top 10 problems/trends discussed in the white paper and how the client’s solution solves these problems/is aligned with these trends.

Customer Use Cases

writing, design, layout

Customer Use Case – Doesn’t need to be specific with a real customer. Instead, focuses on a common challenge in a specific industry/vertical, the solution the client provided, and how the customer benefitted.

Email Creation

writing, design, layout

Email(s) – Number depends on how many unique audiences we want to address. Positioned for unique audiences/verticals/customers. Invitation to start the conversation and link back to the white paper, the blog, use case, and the Top 10/Infographic.

Package Plan 2

Webinar/Webcast and Supporting Materials


writing, design, layout

Webinar/Webcast – 30-minute presentation/video going into more detail about the thought-leadership aspect of the blog, how the client is positioned to help businesses solve their problems or expand their opportunities. Should include a checklist, flier, and use case.

Promotional Video

Script, edit, Design, Layout to Web

Create a promotional 60 second video of the webinar – an overview of the event and promoting the video on social media 


Blog Post Creation

Writing, Design, Production

Covering a single topic, positioning the client as a thought leader/providing information about how client resolves a pain point, and a CTA to learn more

Checklist Blog Creation

writing, design, layout

Checklist – Great for best practices, a lot shorter than a blog and can be made into a graphic-rich pdf

One Pager Brochure

Writing, Design, Layout

One-page – Supporting the client’s solution, pdf that can be easily sent to a customer or printed out to be handed out at an event.

Customer Use Cases

Writing, Design, Layout

Customer Use Case – Doesn’t need to be specific with a real customer. Instead, focuses on a common challenge in a specific industry/vertical, the solution the client provided, and how the customer benefitted.

Social Media Management

Writing, Design, Layout

Social media Management for the campaign – scheduled posts – Across a variety of outlets linking back to all the assets.

Package Plan 3

E-book and Supporting Materials

E-book & Supporting Materials

writing, design, layout

E-book – Detailed information thoroughly researched on a topic, higher level than a white paper, but more in-depth than a blog or article. Conversational and can be humorous. Graphically rich and easy to read, shouldn’t take more than 5-7 minutes.

Blog Creation

Writing, Design, Layout to Web

Explains the E-book topics in bite-size chunks, usually bulleted format and drives traffic to the e-book, and contact page.


Infographic Creation

Writing, Design, layout

Infographic – Visual display of the e-book topics in bite-size pieces, could be included as the graphic for the blog post.

Email Creation

writing, design, layout

Email(s) – Number depends on how many unique audiences we want to address. Positioned for unique audiences/verticals/customers. Invitation to start the conversation and link back to the e-book and Infographic.

Social Media Management

Writing, Design, Layout

Social media Management for the campaign – scheduled posts – Across a variety of outlets linking back to all the assets.

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